Mountain Medicine offers a number of collaborative programs that vary in duration and objective. All of our journeys have as a core objective to activate people’s own capacities for growth & learning, directing them to greater wholeness, belonging, meaning, and purpose. Explore the different programs below, and click the links to find descriptions, dates and details

  • MMT - TRAIL || 5 DAYS

    MMT Summer || Westcoast Wilderness Way (SE)

    The Mountain Medicine Trails are 5 day trekking journeys, co-designed with top Mountain leaders from our network in uncharted areas of the European outdoors. These adventures are deep immersions in the high places of the European Wilderness, that at the same time support the trail-family to go deeper, and work with personal questions that they bring with them to the mountain. Our trails are a playful blend of rugged outdoor adventure, community learning, back-to-basic living and nature-based counseling practice.


    MMX Spring || Nature of Self || 12 - 17 May (SE)

    The Mountain Medicine Expeditions are extensive programs for those who are looking to explore their inner worlds, challenge themselves and tap into new sources of vitality, wisdom and connection. By exposing yourself to adventurous forms of nature-based holistic practices, you are guaranteed to discover new perspectives, possibilities and energy to create anything you desire in your life. All activities are facilitated in a professional & safe container in order to nurture and integrate meaningful growth through outdoor learning experiences.

  • MMS - SUMMIT || 7 DAYS

    MMS Spring || Shamanic Nature Exp || 10 -16 Jun (SE)

    The Mountain Medicine Summits are special events, organised with indigenous elders, teachers and healers from the various medicine traditions we work with at MM. These programs are an invitation to those who seek a deeper connection with the medicine work, are interested to learn more about the techniques and traditions that shape it. Our ambition is to create these learning spaces multiple times per year, to maintain a reciprocal bond with our teachers, while studying, practicing and growing as a community. 


    The Mountain Medicine Mentorship (MMM) is a program of reset & re-empowerment; a personalised, 1-on-1 learning journey designed to work through present challenges, and get in touch with your true purpose, power and passion; in other words, your Medicine. With the support of MM’s teachings, tools & transformative processes, this journey will activate your own, innate healing capacities, and help you reclaim your full physical, emotional, mental & spiritual potential. The program is fully tailor-made & designed to serve you best on your unique journey.